The attributes that you really need to care about are *default, type, usage, friendly_name*, *url*, and *tags*. If you can predict *customization* and *reconfig*, which take values =seldom=, =often=, =always=, and =true= on a reconfig, =false= otherwise, respectively, then fill that in as well. The others can be held constant when you make a new entry by copying the snippet above and changing it. Please make sure the above entries are defined. For *url* just leave it be the example set forth above.
+*range*, for type=int and type=double is a pair of comma separated values indicating the minimum and maximum allowed values.  You can omit the second number to indicate INT_MAX or DBL_MAX respectively.
 The machinery which uses the above information is not yet complete, this is why things like the *id* field can be left as it is among the other things. Also, *no extraneous whitespace*. You've been warned.
 Be aware that the default is internally implemented as a string, so if you enter double numbers or what not for those types of params that are, you may lose precision when it passed through the strtod() function. Also, there are no interpolations or substitutions in the default. What you see is exactly what you get. This includes trailing spaces.