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condor_utils has classes designed to make measuring and publishing statistics about the performance of code easy. The classes are defined in generic_stats.h

This consists of a set of simple templatized classes that you add as member variables to your code, or to a helper class or structure. The most commonly used of these is the stats_entry_recent class. This class keeps track of a total value, and also uses a ring buffer to keep track of recent values.

Adding statistics values to an existing collection

To add a statistics value where there is already an existing collection of values

Adding a statistics value when there isn't a collection

At the most basic level, use generic statistics by:

class MyObject {
    // declare a statistics counter
    stats_entry_recent<time_t> myObjectRuntime;

// set statistics recent buffer to 4 items in the constructor
void MyObject::MyObject()
    : myObjectRuntime(4)

// update the counter value in one of my worker methods
void MyObject::MyWorkerMethod() {
    time_t begintime = time(NULL);

    // advance the recent buffer if enough time has passed.
    time_t delta = (begintime - last_rotate_time);
    if (delta > time_quantum) {
       last_rotate_time = begintime - (delta % time_quantum);

    ... do some work

    // accumulate statistics data
    myObjectRuntime += time(NULL) - begintime;

// publish the counter value(s) in another worker method
void MyObject::MyPublishStatisticsMethod(ClassAd & ad) {

    if (publish_all) {
       myObjectRuntime.Publish(ad, "ObjectRuntime");
    } else {
      // publish the overall value
      myObjectRuntime.Publish(ad, "ObjectRuntime", myObjectRuntime.PubValue);
      // publish the recent value
      myObjectRuntime.Publish(ad, "RecentObjectRuntime", myObjectRuntime.PubRecent);


The myObjectRuntime member will accumulate overall runtime and runtime within the recent window. In this the above example, the recent window consists of 4 intervals, with the interval advancing whenever you call the Advance or AdvanceBy methods on myObjectRuntime. You would commonly advance based on elapsed time, and there is a helper function in generic_stats.cpp generic_stats_Tick, that will advance a collection of counters on that basis.

The published ClassAd attribute data types will be the same as the templatized data type. int, double are supported in ClassAds. time_t values will be published as int.

More sophisticated counters can be built by using a class as the template parameter to stats_entry_recent. For instance stats_entry_recent<Probe> will store and publish count,min,max,average,and standard deviation for a sample value and a recent window of the values. The Probe class does count,min,max etc, and the stats_entry_recent class will manage a total and recent buffer of =Probe=s.

Creating a new statistics collection

It is common to have multiple statistics values to measure a subsystem that are intended to be published together. When this is the case is most convenient to gather then up into a container class/struct and then add a StatisticsPool member to the class so that you can use it's methods to Clear, Publish and Advance the collection of counters as a unit.

As a general rule a statistics collection is defined by where and when the data will be gathererd rather rather than by how and where the data is published.

If there is a need to publish the same value in more than one ClassAd with a different name in each add, this can be accomplished by calling the Publish methods of the counters explicitly or adding the counters to the StatisticsPool multiple times with different names.

class MyStats {
    time_t                  InitTime
    time_t                  Lifetime;
    time_t                  LastUpdateTime;
    time_t                  RecentLifetime;
    time_t                  RecentTickTime;

    stats_entry_recent<int> JobsSubmitted;
    stats_entry_recent<time_t> JobsTimeToStart;
    stats_entry_recent<double> JobsRunningTime;
    ... etc

    StatisticsPool  Pool;

    void Init();
    void Clear();
    void Tick();
    void Publish(ClassAd & ad) const;
    void Unpublish(ClassAd & ad) const;

} MyStats;

Then in your cpp file for the MyStats class

void MyStats::Init()
   const int recent_window = 60*20;
   const int window_quantum = 60*4;

   Pool.AddProbe(JobsSubmitted,   "JobsSubmitted");
   Pool.AddProbe(JobsTimeToStart, "JobsTimeToStart");
   Pool.AddProbe(JobsRunningTime, "JobsRunningTime");
   Pool.SetRecentMax(recent_window, window_quantum);

void MyStats::Clear()
   this->InitTime = time(NULL);
   this->StatsLifetime = 0;
   this->StatsLastUpdateTime = 0;
   this->RecentStatsTickTime = 0;
   this->RecentStatsLifetime = 0;

void MyStats::Publish(ClassAd & ad) const

void MyStats::Unpublish(ClassAd & ad) const

void MyStats::Tick()
   const int my_window  = 20*60; // seconds
   const int my_quantum = 4*60;  // in seconds

   int cAdvance = generic_stats_Tick(
   if (cAdvance)

Adding statistics values at runtime

Probes can be added to the StatisticsPool at runtime. They can also be queried out of the pool, athough this is more expensive and error-prone than merely referencing a member variable.

class MyStats {

    StatisticsPool  Pool;


    void NewProbe(const char * category, const char * ident, int as_type);
    void Sample(const char * ident, int val);
    void Sample(const char * ident, double val);

} MyStats;

// create a new probe with name name
void MyStats::NewProbe(const char * category, const char * ident, int as_type)
    MyString attr;
    attr.sprintf("MYStat_%s_%s", category, ident);

    int cRecent = my_window / my_quantum;
    switch (as_type)
       Pool.NewProbe< stats_entry_recent<int> >(ident, attr.Value(), 0);

       Pool.NewProbe< stats_entry_recent<double> >(ident, attr.Value(), 0);

void MyStats::Sample(const char * ident, int val)
    stats_entry_recent<int>* probe = Pool.Get< stats_entry_recent<int> >(ident);
    if (probe)

void MyStats::Sample(const char * name, double val)
    stats_entry_recent<double>* probe = Pool.Get< stats_entry_recent<double> >(ident);
    if (probe)