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Nothing below this point is interesting

Top level section heading

Second level subsection heading

Third level subsubsection heading

Custom Markup Rules

The following are custom markup rules implemented on this server.

The format for the "Fixed Version" and "Broken Version" entries is v070102 (where that represents 7.1.2). Broken Version is the earliest known version with the problem. Fixed Version is when the fixed is planned for (new/open/stalled tickets) or when it actually shipped (resolved)

{blockquote} an indented block quote {endblockquote}

{code} an indented code block {endcode}

{comment: an inline comment that will be in square brackets, prefaced by username, highlighted in yellow}

{pre: foo} maps to <pre class="foo">

Link to an NMI Drupal node. {drupalnode: Drupal-node number}, for example: {drupalnode: 1440}

ends a previous div

{file <name>} an indented example file named <name> {endfile}

Provide an html anchor to that point in the document.

{section: Top level section header}

{snip: <remark>} an indented example file or fragment with optional <remark> {endsnip}

{strike} some text {endstrike}

{subsection: Second level subsection header}

{subsubsection: Third level subsubsection header}

{term} an indented shell/terminal command {endterm}

{verbatim} an indented verbatim block {endverbatim}

Testing (1 asterisk, just bold)

Testing (2 asterisks, Bigger)

Testing (3 asterisks, Biggest)

****Testing (4 asterisks, No effect)****