This recipe is known to work with HTCondor 6.6
-A common problem is when some execute machine is misconfigured or broken in such a way that it still accepts HTCondor jobs, but can't run them correctly.  If jobs exit quickly on this kind of machine, it can quickly eat many of the jobs in your queue.  We call this a "black hole" machine.  To work around black hole machines, you can do the following in your job submit file:
+A common problem is when some execute machine is misconfigured or broken in such a way that it still accepts HTCondor jobs, but can't run them correctly.  If jobs exit quickly on this kind of machine, it can quickly eat many of the jobs in your queue.  We call this a "black hole" machine.  Some conditions observed to cause black holes are documented {wiki: BlackHoleConditions in this wiki}.
+To work around black hole machines, you can do the following in your job submit file:
 match_list_length = 5