This is for the new BATLab (submit-*  For the old BATLab (nmi-s00*, see NmiBuild.
-{subsection: Building a Condor workspace in NMI}
+{subsection: Building a HTCondor workspace in NMI}
 Here is a common scenario: You would like to do a build on some platform or set of platforms in order to ensure that you haven't broken the build process. What are your options? You could check in the code and wait for the nightly builds, but you may well break the build and receive fifty lashes with a wet noodle. A better solution is to *not* check in your code, but use NMI to build it on any platform that you like.
@@ -41,5 +41,5 @@
 {subsection: Checking your build's status}
-*:{link: Condor-specific status page} (Maintained by  at  (Maintained by Scot K. as of 2012-01).
+*:{link: HTCondor-specific status page} (Maintained by  at  (Maintained by Scot K. as of 2012-01).
 *:{link: Metronome status page} (Maintained by Todd M. as of 2012-01.)