Some important options:
 *: =--without-tests= suppresses the automatic submission of tests when the build is done.
-*: =--platforms= takes a comma separated list of platforms. For a list of available platforms, see "Platforms" below.  You must specify the platforms you want.  (This is a change from the old BATLab.)  You can find a list of available platforms at , look for "Pool usage by platform" in the left column. At the moment (2013-03-29) the set of platforms that we do nightly and rolling builds on is:
+*: =--platforms= takes a comma separated list of platforms. For a list of available platforms, see "Platforms" below.  You must specify the platforms you want.  (This is a change from the old BATLab.)  You can find a list of available platforms at , look for "Pool usage by platform" in the left column. At the moment (2013-11-14) the set of platforms that we do nightly and rolling builds on is:
 *: =--use-externals-cache= uses cached externals to speed the build. *May not work in new BATLab.* If you're testing a new external, do *not* use this option.
 *: =--release-only= builds the dynamic binaries, but doesn't package or return them. If you're just doing a compile test and don't need the binaries, this will speed the build by about 45 minutes. If you need to generate a package to give to a user (or to submit for testing), omit this option.
 *: =--desc= specifies a description that appears in the NMI web pages and can help identify your build.