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This is for the new BATLab (submit-* For the obsolete, pre-2012 BATLab (nmi-s00*, see NmiTest.

Testing a HTCondor workspace in NMI

Before you start, make sure that you have an account on

From your usual machine, you want to create a temporary workspace directory on submit-3, and then archive a commit of your git clone into that directory. In this directory, we call the directory 'workspace' but it can be anything.

  ssh mkdir workspace
  cd <to top of clone, usually CONDOR_SRC>
  git write-tree
git write-tree will print out a hash, which you will then use in the next command. This synax for this command is slightly different between Linux and Windows.

On Linux the command is

  git archive <hash created by git write-tree> | ssh cd workspace '&&' tar xf -
On Windows, the '&&' doesn't work, so use a ; instead. also you may have to supply your submit-3 username where USERNAME@ appears in the command below.
  git archive <hash created by git write-tree> | ssh cd cd workspace ; tar xf -

So far, this is the same as submitting a workspace build.

Next, go to and choose a recent completed build to run tests against. Then run the following commands, substituting the id of the build for <runid>

  cd workspace
  cd nmi_tools
  ./condor_nmi_submit --test --buildid=<runid> --workspace=../ --platforms=all --notify-fail-only --desc="A Description" --ignore-missing-platforms --test-sources-from-workspace

You can go to in a few seconds and see your test run show up. It will also be visible on the bottom of the details page for the build:<runid>

You can pass additional arguments to condor_nmi_submit to alter the test configuration