{section: Testing a HTCondor workspace in NMI}
-Before you start, make sure that you have an account on submit-3.batlab.org.
+Before you start, make sure that you have an account on batlab.chtc.wisc.edu.
-From your usual machine, you want to create a temporary workspace directory on submit-3, and then archive a commit of your git clone into that directory. In this directory, we call the directory 'workspace' but it can be anything.
+From your usual machine, you want to create a temporary workspace directory on batlab.chtc.wisc.edu, and then archive a commit of your git clone into that directory. In this directory, we call the directory 'workspace' but it can be anything.
-  ssh submit-3.batlab.org mkdir workspace
+  ssh batlab.chtc.wisc.edu mkdir workspace
   cd <to top of clone, usually CONDOR_SRC>
   git write-tree
@@ -15,26 +15,26 @@
 On Linux the command is
-  git archive <hash created by git write-tree> | ssh submit-3.batlab.org cd workspace '&&' tar xf -
+  git archive <hash created by git write-tree> | ssh batlab.chtc.wisc.edu cd workspace '&&' tar xf -
-On Windows, the '&&' doesn't work, so use a ; instead. also you may have to supply your submit-3 username where USERNAME@ appears in the command below.
+On Windows, the '&&' doesn't work, so use a ; instead. also you may have to supply your batlab.chtc.wisc.edu username where USERNAME@ appears in the command below.
-  git archive <hash created by git write-tree> | ssh submit-3.batlab.org USERNAME@submit-3.batlab.org cd workspace ; tar xf -
+  git archive <hash created by git write-tree> | ssh batlab.chtc.wisc.edu USERNAME@batlab.chtc.wisc.edu cd workspace ; tar xf -
 So far, this is the same as submitting a workspace build.
-Next, go to http://submit-3.batlab.org/results/continuous.php and choose a recent completed build to run tests against. Then run the following commands, substituting the id of the build for <runid>
+Next, go to http://batlab.chtc.wisc.edu/results/continuous.php and choose a recent completed build to run tests against. Then run the following commands, substituting the id of the build for <runid>
   cd workspace
   cd nmi_tools
   ./condor_nmi_submit --test --buildid=<runid> --workspace=../ --platforms=all --notify-fail-only --desc="A Description" --ignore-missing-platforms --test-sources-from-workspace
-You can go to http://submit-3.batlab.org/results/workspace_tests.php in a few seconds and see your test run show up.
+You can go to http://batlab.chtc.wisc.edu/results/workspace_tests.php in a few seconds and see your test run show up.
 It will also be visible on the bottom of the details page for the build, which you can find by substituting the build id that you chose for =<runid>= in this link.
 You can pass additional arguments to condor_nmi_submit to alter the test configuration