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The ad hoc tools I created for creating graphs for reports are in /p/condor/home/tools/graphs . It's all Git controlled

california-condors - Manually created graph of California condor population.

citeseer - Attempts to find references, by year, to Miron, HTCondor, and friends in the CiteSeer database.

download-graphs - Graphs of downloads, both via our download script and in the Debian and Yum repos we control. cndrutil's crontab on invokes it. The resulting graphs are visible . The CSV files are probably the most useful part, as the huge spike in usage over the last few years has left the automated graphs hard to use.

git-commits - Information on historic git commits.

gittrac-reports - A bunch of reports based on data from gittrac. Includes lines of code changed per customer/date, tickets by status by date, and a bunch of others.

htcondor-week.txt - Just a pointer to the HTCondor Week attendence spreadsheet at

mailing-lists - Graphs of mailing list traffic. Output visible at

misc/gnuplot2csv - Converts Gnuplot style data files to CSV files that Excel/LibreOffice can read.


