*citeseer* - Attempts to find references, by year, to Miron, HTCondor, and friends in the CiteSeer database.
-*download-graphs* - Graphs of downloads, both via our download script and in the Debian and Yum repos we control. cndrutil's crontab on chopin.cs.wisc.edu invokes it. The resulting graphs are visible https://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/developers/graphs/ . The CSV files are probably the most useful part, as the huge spike in usage over the last few years has left the automated graphs hard to use.
+*download-graphs* - Graphs of downloads, both via our download script and in the Debian and Yum repos we control. cndrutil's crontab on chopin.cs.wisc.edu invokes it. The resulting graphs are visible https://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/developers/graphs/ . The CSV files are probably the most useful part, as the huge spike in usage over the last few years has left the automated graphs hard to use. Also see BrainDumpAlanDeSmetWebDownloadStats for notes about how the Yum/Debian repo data is collected.
 *git-commits* - Information on historic git commits.