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There are several folders in Google Drive with general documentation and documents for a given year. The real details are there.

Allyson Miller over at SWAMP is handling as much of HTCondor Week as is possible these days, especially arranging venue and catering. Sure has access to all of the Google Drive documents. As of January 2016 we have permission to move as much of it to her as possible.

Web site

Documentation on the web site is in /p/condor/public/html/htcondor/HTCondorWeek2016/edit/README . In summary: it's in its own Git repository, it's not part of the main web site, it uses Perl and the very lightweight Text::Template library, which is already installed as a subdirectory so you probably won't need install it yourself.

When in doubt, look in /p/condor/public/html/htcondor/HTCondorWeek2015/edit/ to see how something was done last year.

Allyson can likely to take over some of the fiddly details like running the website and uploading slides. Someone geeky and Perl oriented will likely be necessary for deeper changes.

To an extent using Alan's templating system is an experiment. If it's a mess, jump to something else. We may be able to use CERN's install of Indico for free (example: ).