WWW Page Statistics
-Web downloads of HTCondor go through a script that logs them and are outside the scope of this.
+Downloads made through our web interface (https://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/downloads/ ) go through a script that logs the download information.  That is outside of the scope of this.
-Direct downloads for distributions are not. The CSL will not provide raw logs for privacy reasons. They will email us weekly summaries, which is what we use. Who gets the logs is specified in
+Downloads using the Debian/Apt or Yum, however, are not logged.  The CSL will not provide raw logs for privacy reasons. They will email us weekly summaries, which is what we use. Who gets the logs is specified in
 *: /afs/cs.wisc.edu/p/condor/public/html/htcondor/debian/.statinfo
 *: /afs/cs.wisc.edu/p/condor/public/html/htcondor/yum/.statinfo