1: you still want to have a fully installed HTCondor from the msi with the path to the release binaries in the system path.
 1: A Unzip condor_tests.zip to some folder and in that folder run the batch_test.pl command above.
-1: B Go to http://submit-3.batlab.org/results/continuous.php
+1: B Go to http://batlab.chtc.wisc.edu/results/continuous.php
 1: Choose a suitable build. master will be the next devleoper release or V8_[2,4] for the latest stable build. Under each platform are two color coded boxes. The one on the left under any platform will take you to the builds of all the platforms.
 1: Under the windows 8 build steps will be a remote_post step. If green
 click on it and get the file "results.tar.gz".