{section: Introduction }
-This wiki page contains information regarding build modernization and consolidation.  For details on progress see Ticket #779
+This wiki page contains information regarding build modernization and consolidation.  For details on progress see Ticket #779 #1248
 {section: Goals and Objectives }
 The goal of updating the condor build mechanism is far more reaching then using the latest wiz-bang tool to build code, and is meant to address the following issues:
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 *: *CMake - winner:* CMake is widely adopted in the open source community as a x-platform replacement for auto-tools style builds.  It has it's own Macro-style syntax, but unlike the afore mentioned tools it is a generator similar to Imake and it works with existing tools (make, visual studio).  Another powerful tool in the "CMake warchest" is CPack, which allows for various methods of packaging, across multiple OS distributions.
 {section: Getting Started }
-1.) You will need to obtain CMake 2.8 or > for the target platform you are working on.
+1.) You will need to obtain CMake 2.8 or > for the target platform you are working on.  Darwin requires 2.8.2 or greater
-2.) Checkout origin/V7_5-cmake-branch, for windows you will need git 1.6.4 or greater.
+2.) Checkout origin/V7_5-cmake-stage-branch, for windows you will need git 1.6.4 or greater.
-3.) cmake ./CMakeLists.txt or run cmake-gui
+3.) cmake ./CMakeLists.txt or run cmake-gui (*NOTE* - will default to PROPER build on *nix, for platform specific configs see nmi_tools/glue/SubmitInfo.pm)
 4.) Now you can run make or open the visual studio solution file.
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 8.) Open Tools->Options under "Projects and Solutions" click on VC++ Directories and add the following to the *Executable* directories
 *:Move $(PATH) to the bottom as sometimes C:\cygwin\bin is in the $(PATH)
 9.) Open and build.
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 All of the updated cmake files exist under src directories and are open to contribution.  The current branch tracks against master(7.5 series).
-*: #include <lib>/header.h  (no more relative includes)
-*: Compiles fully in C++
-*: Proper use of extern
-*: Minimal linkage, explicitly specify
-*: Platform specific files are suffixed as to allow glob macros to add to target (.windows, .unix)
-*: condor specific macros are located under build/cmake
+*: #include <lib>/header.h  (stage 2)
+*: Compiles fully in C++    (stage 1)
+*: Proper use of extern     (stage 1)
+*: Minimal linkage, explicitly specify (stage 2)
+*: Platform specific files are suffixed as to allow glob macros to add to target (.windows, .unix) (stage 1)
+*: condor specific macros are located under build/cmake (stage 1)
 {section: Packaging}
 CMake's compliment, CPack, supports a large number of packaging types which can be found {link: http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:CPackPackageGenerators here}, and it is currently in its infancy in the code base.  There are two targets which are created when you include(CPack):
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 The road ahead is to create a stub'd out CPackOption.cmake.in file and use cmakes configure options to fill in the gaps based on the target platform and environment, thereby reducing the cruft in the master CMakeLists.txt and providing the wiz-bang feature of platform specific package generation.
 {section: TODO}
-see Ticket #779
+see Ticket #779 #1248
 {section: Windows Gotchas}
 {subsection: SDK corruption of VC setup}