2.) Checkout origin/V7_5-cmake-stage-publicbranch, for windows you will need git 1.6.4 or greater.
-3.) navigate to CONDOR_SRC and type *cmake .* on windows run *cmake-gui*
+3.) navigate to CONDOR_SRC
+4.) UW Folks can type ./configure_uw , while others should use *cmake .* on windows run *cmake-gui*
 *NOTE: 1* If you are wanting to build directly on an NMI machine: run nmi_tools/glue/SubmitInfo.pm to find the platform-specific args (Configure Args) to pass to cmake.
-*NOTE: 2* To see build options run either cmake-gui or cmake -i
+*NOTE: 2* To see build options run either ccmake,cmake-gui, or cmake -i
-4.) Now you can run make or open the visual studio solution file.
+5.) Now you can run make or open the visual studio solution file.
 *Windows Only:*
-Prior to building for the 1st time there are some prerequisites that you will need to perform
+Prior to building for the 1st time there are some prerequisites that you will need to configure
 6.) Install the lastest platform SDK and reopen the solution
@@ -72,11 +74,10 @@
 Once built you can run all the batch tests as before.
 {section: Packaging}
-CMake's compliment, CPack, supports a large number of packaging types which can be found {link: http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:CPackPackageGenerators here}, and it is currently in its infancy in the code base.  There are two targets which are created when you include(CPack):
+Packaging target have already been added simply run:
 make package
-make package_source
 {section: TODO}