{section: Introduction }
-This wiki page contains information regarding build modernization and consolidation using CMake.  For details on progress see Ticket #779 #1248
+This wiki page contains information regarding build modernization and consolidation using CMake.
+{section: Modifications}
+*: Compiles fully in C++, except std:u
+*: Proper use of externs
+*: Minimal linkage, explicitly specify
+*: Platform specific files are suffixed as to allow glob macros to add to target (.windows, .unix)
+*: Easy expansion with macros and functions, condor specific macros are located under build/cmake
+*: Removal of object copying
+*: Full Windows and WiX support
+*: std:u isolation allowing full -02 -g on condor
+*: addition clean,tests,& install targets
+*: support for grid:u on proper builds
 {section: Getting Started }
 1.) You will need to obtain CMake 2.8.3 or > for the target platform you are working on.  On CSL machines, it is installed in /unsup/cmake.  http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html
-2.) Checkout origin/V7_5-cmake-stage-publicbranch, for windows you will need git 1.6.4 or greater.
+2.) Checkout origin/master
 3.) navigate to CONDOR_SRC
-4.) UW Folks can type ./configure_uw , while others should use *cmake .* on windows run *cmake-gui*
-*NOTE: 1* If you are wanting to build directly on an NMI machine: run nmi_tools/glue/SubmitInfo.pm to find the platform-specific args (Configure Args) to pass to cmake.
+4.) UW Folks can type *./configure_uw* , while others should use *cmake .*, on windows run *cmake-gui*
-*NOTE: 2* To see build options run either ccmake,cmake-gui, or cmake -i
+*: If you are wanting to build directly on an NMI machine: run nmi_tools/glue/SubmitInfo.pm to find the platform-specific args (Configure Args) to pass to cmake.
+*: To see build options run either ccmake, cmake-gui, or cmake -i
+*: *configure_uw* sets the following variables:
+*:: -DUW_BUILD:BOOL=TRUE (Tries to build std:u && non-proper)
+*:: -D_DEBUG:BOOL=TRUE (Build debug executables for development & testing)
+*:: -DBUILDID:STRING=UW_development (Daemon Output will indicate development exe)
+**: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${PWD}/release_dir (localized install location)
 5.) Now you can run make or open the visual studio solution file.
-*Windows Only:*
+*Windows: (2008 instructions)*
 Prior to building for the 1st time there are some prerequisites that you will need to configure
@@ -44,25 +62,13 @@
 11.) Open and build.
-{section: Contributing}
-All of the updated cmake files exist under src directories and are open to contribution.  The current branch tracks against master(7.5 series).
-*: #include <lib>/header.h  (stage 2)
-*: Compiles fully in C++    (stage 1)
-*: Proper use of extern     (stage 1)
-*: Minimal linkage, explicitly specify (stage 1)
-*: Platform specific files are suffixed as to allow glob macros to add to target (.windows, .unix) (stage 1)
-*: condor specific macros are located under build/cmake (stage 1)
 {section: Installing}
-So a big departure from before is the elimination of release_dir and the addition of ye-olde install target with a prefix.  For my testing I have all of my paths and what not set against a softlink which allows me to shift amongst multiple versions of condor.  Then I run cmake appending a prefix location:
+There is now officially an install target and release has been removed.
 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/condor/x.y.z ...
-This allows me to test any version of condor and maintain those binaries for posterity.
 {section: Testing}
 The code has been restructured so *all* things test related are bundled under a single target, and all binaries relating to that target set their output to condor_tests.