 ./configure_uw -DCLIPPED:BOOL=ON
+*: *For out of source builds* simply make a directory above CONDOR_SRC e.g. 7.5.5 and cd into it, then type:
+*:: *UW:* ../CONDOR_SRC/configure_uw ../CONDOR_SRC
+*:: *Everyone else:* cmake ../CONDOR_SRC
+*::: *Development Recommendation:* alias cmake='cmake
 *: Builds by default cache the externals under =bld_external/= in your build directory. You can change where the externals are installed by setting the environment variable =CONDOR_BLD_EXTERNAL_STAGE= to point to the desired location. As a given external always builds the same on a given platform, using a single externals location for several build directories can save unnecessary recompilation.
 *:You might be interested in other CmakeBuildOptions