will have available in the externals directory the tarball of manual
 pages needed by our packaging scripts.
-{subsection: Externals required for Building}
-HTCondor may use a sizable collection of externals which implement various feature
-sets for HTCondor. Some examples are Kerberos, PostgreSQL, Globus. HTCondor sources
-include an =externals/= directory which contains URLs to locate the required
-externals and patches to be applied. There is only a small number of externals
-that HTCondor absolutely requires to build, these are usually quite portable.
 {subsection: Required Prereqs}
 One needs, as a good start these revisions, or later, of these tools:
 cmake 2.8.3, wget-1.9.1, tar 1.14, autoconf-2.59.  For a more complete list, run =nmi_tools/glue/SubmitInfo.pm= and look at the listed prereqs for a platform as similar to the one you are using as possible.