3.) navigate to the root directory of the sources, it is called CONDOR_SRC if you are a using a git clone.  (The root directory has a file called configure_uw in it.)
-4.) add cmake\bin to your PATH if it is not already. One way to do this is to execute =CONDOR_SRC\msconfig\set_build_env.bat=.  This will setup PATH, LIB, and INCLUDE environment variables to build HTCondor.  If this batch file cannot find cmake.exe It will report an error.
+4.) add cmake\bin to your PATH if it is not already. One way to do this is to execute =msconfig\set_build_env.bat=.  This will setup PATH, LIB, and INCLUDE environment variables to build HTCondor.  If this batch file cannot find cmake.exe It will report an error.
 5.) [Optional] If you want to use cached externals set the environment variable =CONDOR_BLD_EXTERNAL_STAGE= to the path of the externals cache.  Using cached externals can save a lot of time if you plan to build HTCondor more than once.  For example