 6.) The the cmake build supports both in-source and out-of-source builds. Out- of-source is better if you are building from git.  If you are building from a the source tarball, then in-source is simpler.
-For in-source execute this
-cmake -G "Visual Studio 11" .
 for out-of-source builds, navigate to the build destination folder and execute cmake; passing it the path to the HTCondor sources. For example
 REM assuming that the current directory is CONDOR_SRC
@@ -77,6 +74,10 @@
 cd /d c:\scratch\condor\build
 cmake CMakeLists.txt -G "Visual Studio 11" %_condor_sources%
+For in-source just execute this
+cmake -G "Visual Studio 11" .
 This will create Visual Studio Project and Solution files to build HTCondor.
 Many options can be passed to cmake, see CondorCmakeBuildOptions for more information. You can also use the cmake-gui to set options.