git config --global core.autocrlf false
-1: {strike}Install Active Perl. Add it to your PATH:{endstrike}
-*::Active Perl is no longer recommended due to packaging complications.
-*::Download Strawberry Perl instead. Add it to your PATH.
+1: Install Active Perl:
+*::Before downloading a binary, you need to configure your build. Open the Configuration tab and select all Win32 modules. Then go to the Download Builds tab to create the download.
+*::Note that some of the default packages selected by ActivePerl are not supported. You'll need to go back to the Configuration tab to remove these.
+*::During installation, select the options to add Perl to your PATH.
+*::Open a Windows command prompt and run a Perl script without invoking the perl.exe. This will allow you to create a file association for .pl files.
+*::Open the Windows Registry Editor. For the Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Applications\perl.exe\shell\open\command key, set the default to: "C:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe" "%1" %*
+*::Open a Windows command prompt as Administrator. Run the following command: assoc .pl=C:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe
 1: NOTE: Cmake is now bundled with Visual Studio 2017. You don't need to install it separately anymore.