+<html><font color="red">These instructions are awaiting TJ's review</font></html>
+Currently, in order to make an MSI you need to have a specific Windows VM.  TJ has a copy and another copy exists on =monza.cs.wisc.edu= at =/scratch/condor-vm=.
+1: Load the Windows VM. (This requires a newer version of vmware than was default on the lab computers as of 2011-02).
+1: The password for the condor user is the same password as for our web page.
+1: You need a mapping to a directory on the hist computer so that you can import the Condor ZIP file.  A mapping should already exist to point to the /scratch/condor-vm directory on monza.  The mapping can be seen as the Z: drive in My Computer.
+If the mapping is missing it can be created by going to
+VM -> Settings -> Options Tab -> Shared Folders -> Add
+1: Open a shell using the "Condor Build" icon on the desktop.  It loads some necessary environment.
+1: Make a directory in =C:\scratch=, e.g. =C:\scratch\scot=
+1: Put the condor zip file in this directory, along with =packageit.bat= and =testfordebugcrt.bat=
+1: Unzip the Windows zip file.  You may need to use 7-zip (7z)
+1: (If necessary) remove the extra directory in the zip file.
+1: Change into the bin directory (e.g. =condor-7.6.0\bin=) and then run =..\..\testfordebugcrt.bat=
+Nothing should print under "Showing 90D"
+1: Run =packageit.bat= to make the MSI
+1: Make a zip file with the correct format (i.e. without the extra directory).  You may need to use 7z.
+1: Transfer the files back out of the VM and put them in the appropriate place in NFS.  Make sure the zip file and MSI are named similarly (e.g. they both start with condor-7.6.0)