CHTC Custom Collector Ads for Monitoring

The CHTC collector at contains several custom ad types to assist monitoring. These custom ads are created by a Python script "" that runs on periodically via cron and lives in git repo

For example, to see instantaneous GPU job information across campus

   $ condor_status -pool -any -cons 'MyType=="GpuSubmitter"' -af:h Name Machine IdleJobs RunningJobs RunningJobsOSG HeldJobs

OsgCeScheduler Ads

These are custom scheduler ads representing HTCondor CEs deployed in OSG. For each HTCondor CE, the CE schedd is queried for aggregate information on pilot jobs (identified as jobs that have not been routed by the condor_jobrouter).


OsgSubmitter Ads

These are custom submitter ads representing users who have jobs tagged as allowed to run in OSG (via WantGlidein=True), and submitted these jobs to a schedd requesting resources from CHTC.


GpuSubmitter Ads

These are custom submitter ads representing users who have jobs requesting one or more GPUs, and submitted these jobs to a schedd requesting resources from CHTC.


CovidSubmitter Ads

These are custom submitter ads representing users who have jobs tagged as doing COVID work (currently via OConnorCOVID=True), and submitted these jobs to a schedd requesting resources from CHTC.
