-{section: Compiling Without AFS }
-To: HTCondor Team mailing list
-Subject: Re: IMPORTANT changes to build system (please read)
-Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 22:48:30 -0600
-From: Derek Wright <wright@cs.wisc.edu>
-=On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 22:27:55 -0600  Se-Chang Son wrote:=
-    > could you tell me how to build HTCondor on a machine w/o AFS
-    > under this new rule of build system?
-whoops!  i don't know if you ever got help with this, but i just found
-your message burried in my inbox...
-    > 1. copied files from /p/condor/workspaces/... to a private machine
-    > 2. changed 'Top' value of config/site.def accordingly
-    > 3. created build directory and symlinks under it appropriately (?):
-    >     + build/config -> $(Top)/config
-    >     + build/imake -> $(Top)/imake
-this is where you went wrong...
-you don't want build/imake itself to be a symlink to the top-level
-$(Top)/imake.  you want the imake directory to be a local directory,
-and all the files in $(Top)/imake to be symlinked into the imake
-directory.  this is just like any directory of a given HTCondor daemon
-inside src.  you need to locally compile your own copy of imake your
-build workspace.
-the best thing to do if you're trying to not use AFS would probably be
-to copy /p/condor/home/bin/new_workspace to your machine, too, and run
-that.  it does everything for you, even editing your copy of
-config/site.def to point to the right location.
-(can someone remind me of the magic perl incantation for the top of a
-script so it works anywhere, instead of having a hard-coded path to
-    > 4. ran 'build/src/condor_imake'
-didn't this give you any error messages?
-    > 5. ran 'make' under 'build/src' and got an error:
-    >     + Makefile:229: *** target file `submit.tar' has both : and :: entries.  Stop.
-this usually means you don't have a good version of imake...
-sorry for the delay in answering!
+See CompilingHtcondorWithoutAfs