-{section: Module Description}
-This contribution is a set of pluggable modules plus a daemon that are used
-*: start and stop of daemons
-*: job submission and control (submit, set attribute, hold, release,
-*: queries of live and historical job data and output files
-*: get/set of of stats, priorities and limits from the negotiator
-*: collector stats for job counts (running, edle, etc.)
-*: submitters stats
-*: slot statistics and properties
-Currently, this code base has external dependencies on:
-*: Ws02 (?)
-{section: Download}
-The module is contained in the HTCondor source tree in src/condor_contrib/aviary as of HTCondor 7.6.0.
-{section: Contact}
-The contact person for this module is: =Peter MacKinnon= =(pmackinn@redhat.com), Red Hat Inc.=
-{section: Homepage}
-{section: License}
-This module is released under the Apache License.
+See HtcondorAviary