CondorError data structure
I am on an awareness campaign for the CondorError stack. It is the most important data structure in HTCondor, and most people don't even know it exists.The error stack is sort of like an exception. The error stack object is passed down the calling chain. If any level has an error, instead of (or at least, in addition to) calling dprintf and returing false, the level can push a new error onto the stack. The upper level can examine down the the stack and decide what to do.
The "error" itself is a tuple of three values:
<subsystem, error code, error text>
subsystem should be obvious. The error code is unique in HTCondor, and the text is a free-form string that was tacked when the error was generated.
The error codes are defined in condor_includes/condor_error_codes.h
To use the error stack, #include "CondorError.h"
When you declare an CondorError object, prefer the name 'errstack'.
The error stack has the following public interface:
CondorError(); ~CondorError(); CondorError(CondorError&); // Assigning an existing CondorError to a newly-declared CondorError makes a // deep copy of the error. This should be operator=, not operator== CondorError& operator==(CondorError&); // Push a new error onto the stack. The second version makes it work like // printf() // push allocates memory and copies subsys and message there, the caller // does not need to preserve them after the call void push( char* subsys, int code, char* message ); void pushf( char* subsys, int code, char* format, ... ); // expands the error stack into a full string. If want_newline is false, // the errors come back seperated by a bar, ie // SUBSYS1:1234:"Something went wrong"|SUBSYS2:5432:"Something blew up" // The caller should NOT delete the string they get back, and if they // want to use it they should copy it to memory they own. I think this // is actually buggy const char* getFullText( bool want_newline = false ); // Get the subsystem, code, or text message from 'level' down the stack char* subsys(int level = 0); int code(int level = 0); char* message(int level = 0); // Get a pointer to the CondorError object 'level' down the stack. // Not currently implemented. CondorError* next(int level = 0); // Remove the error one level down the stack. Return true if pop can be // called again. (I think). It seems to leave the top-level error alone. // ie CondorError.code(0) returns the same thing after a call to // CondorError.pop(), but CondorError.code(1) returns something different bool pop(); // Destroys the error stack. It walks the error stack and destroys every // object. void clear(); Here is an example program that uses it. I've never tried to Frank(tm) it. void foo(); bool bar(int, CondorError*); bool zot(int, CondorError*); void foo() { CondorError errstack; if(bar(4, &errstack)) { printf("Success!"); } else { printf("Failure: %s\n", errstack.getFullText()); } } bool bar(int i, CondorError* errstack) { bool results; results = zot(i, errstack); if(i > 9) { errstack->push("EXAMPLE", BAR_ARG_TOO_BIG, "HTCondor cannot handle double digits!"); return false; } return results; } bool zot(int i, CondorError* errstack) { if( (i % 2) == 1) { errstack->push("EXAMPLE", ZOT_ARG_ODD, "HTCondor cannot handle odd numbers!"); return false; } return true; }