*: *-_condor_D_<LEVEL>* - Add D_<LEVEL> to the debug levels being logged.  eg "-_condor_D_FULLDEBUG" turns on D_FULLDEBUG.
 *: *-_condor_ckpt <filename>* - File to checkpoint into.
 *: *-_condor_restart <filename>* - Restart from the checkpoint <filename>.  Implies "-_condor_ckpt <filename>".  For safety and clarity, specify -_condor_ckpt _or_ -_condor_retart, not both.  If you specify both, the <filename> specified in the last one will be used for both.
-*: *-_condor_
+*: *-_condor_aggravate_bugs* - Engage in behavior that should be safe, but will likely tickle bugs in the checkpointing code.  At the moment the code avoids assigning virtual FDs between 2 and 32 inclusive in an attempt to ensure that the virtual FDs and the real FDs aren't the same, revealing bugs where the wrong one is used.
+*: *-_condor_relocatable* - Allow the working directory to change on restart, instead of forcing it to be the same as when last checkpointed.