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The results of the per-commit builds can be seen here.


We build Condor and run the regression test suite on each push to the Git repository. The reasons for these frequent builds are:

Current implementation

The per-commit runs are submitted from in the /home/condorauto/per-commit directory. A single Crondor job exists which wakes up every few minutes and checks for new commits to build. This job simply calls condor_nmi_submit to do the dirty work. Occasionally, someone will condor_rm all of condorauto's jobs, forgetting about this Crondor job. When that happens, the Crondor job will get removed too, stopping the per-commit builds from running (but don't worry - it won't lose state) and someone needs to re-submit the job (see below for instructions).

Note that condor_nmi_submit sets the JobPrio such that the most recently submitted build (and test) has the highest priority. Because tests are slow, they usually fall behind in the course of a day, but the most recently submitted ones are started first. Even if it takes overnight for a test run to finish, it can still be very valuable when tracking backwards to find what commit broke a test.

Setting up the per-commit builds

The per-commit build "code" is in Subversion at /p/condor/software/svn/condor/per-commit-builds

Follow the README file found in that directory.

Re-submitting the per-commit builds

Per-commit Native Package Repositories


The Build and Test Dashboard

Build and Test dashboard

The code is in PHP. It is available in the same SVN repository as the per-commit build scripts: /p/condor/software/svn/build-dashboard/

Currently it is made available on by placing it in /home/condorauto/public/html/results and placing a symlink in /var/www/html

[kronenfe@submit-2 html]$ ll /var/www/html
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root         root            36 Sep  8  2011 results -> /home/condorauto/public/html/results
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root         root            42 Sep 22  2011 results-devel -> /home/condorauto/public/html/results-devel