{section: Per-commit Native Package Repositories}
+The per-commit builds generate RPMs and Debian packages.  These are placed into repositories on mirror.batlab.org.
+{link: http://mirror.batlab.org/yum YUM repository}
+{link: http://mirror.batlab.org/debian Debian repository}
+As of this writing (2012-08-15) there are no known external users, although Peter Couvares has expressed interest in getting pre-releases from here.
+TODO list:
+1: Make this work for Debian - it only works for yum currently because I did not have time to research the Debian native package directory structure.
+1: Generate .repo files automatically for each YUM repo
+1: Make a nicer front page with all the .repo files?
+1: Decide how many RPMs and Debs to keep around at a time
+The repositories are kept up-to-date through a combination of the build glue which runs on the submit node (submit-2.batlab.org) and a script that runs on mirror.batlab.org.  The glue pushes all RPMs (and eventually Deb files too) to a well known directory on mirror.batlab.org.  The script on mirror.batlab.org runs out of cron and wakes up periodically, looks in the well known directory, moves files into their respective repo (creating the directories if needed), and re-runs createrepo (or the debian equivalent).
+The code is available in SVN at: =/p/condor/software/svn/condor/testing-repo-scripts=
 {section: The Build and Test Dashboard}