{section: 2 Add Cloud Resources to Your New Pool}
-Your head node (by default) starts with two CPUs and 8 GiB of RAM.  Immediately after you log in -- see the next section -- you can start submitting and running jobs (see section 3).  However, with only two CPUs, you'll only be able to run two jobs at a time.  To add cloud resources to your pool, you'll use =condor_annex=.  To do that, you'll need to obtain an access key for =condor_annex=, so it can act interact with AWS on your behalf.  You'll only need to do that once.  Likewise, =condor_annex= has to do some one-time set-up for each account.  Once that's done, you can run =condor_annex= to add cloud resources as often as you like.
+Your head node (by default) starts with two CPUs and 8 GiB of RAM.  Immediately after you log in -- see the next section -- you can start submitting and running jobs (see section 3).  However, with only two CPUs, you'll only be able to run two jobs at a time.  To add cloud resources to your pool, you'll use =condor_annex=.  To do that, you'll need to obtain an access key for =condor_annex=, so =condor_annex= can act interact with AWS on your behalf.  You'll only need to do that once.  Likewise, =condor_annex= has to do some one-time set-up for each account.  Once that's done, you can run =condor_annex= to add cloud resources as often as you like.
 {subsection: 2.1 Log into your Head Node}
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 Just being able to log into an EC2 instance doesn't give you the privilege to start additional EC2 instances.  In order to use add cloud resources to your new pool, HTCondor needs a pair of security tokens (like a user name and password). Like a user name, the "access key" is (more or less) public information; the corresponding "secret key" is like a password and must be kept a secret. To help keep both halves secret, you never tell HTCondor these keys directly; instead, you tell HTCondor which file to look in to find each one.
-Create those two files now; we'll tell you how to fill them in shortly.  By convention, these files exist in your =~/.condor= directory, which is where =condor_annex -setup= will store the rest of the data it needs.
+Create those two files now; we'll tell you how to fill them in shortly.  By convention, these files exist in your =~/.condor= directory.
 $ cd ~/.condor
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@
 1: Click the check box on the single line that will appear below (labelled "AdministratorAccess").
 1: Click the "Next: review" button (you may need to scroll down).
 1: Click the "Create user" button.
-1: From the line labelled "annex-user", copy the value in the column labelled "Access key ID" to =publicKeyFile=.  Also copy this value to your laptop or desktop computer; you'll want to have it if you use =condor_annex= again.
-1: On the line labelled "annex-user", click the "Show" link in the column labelled "Secret access key"; copy the revealed value to =privateKeyFile=.  Also copy this value your laptop or desktop computer; you'll want to have it if you use =condor_annex= again.
+1: From the line labelled "annex-user", copy the value in the column labelled "Access key ID" to =publicKeyFile=.  Also copy this value to your laptop or desktop computer; you'll want to have the value if you use =condor_annex= again.
+1: On the line labelled "annex-user", click the "Show" link in the column labelled "Secret access key"; copy the revealed value to =privateKeyFile=.  Also copy this value your laptop or desktop computer; you'll want to have the value if you use =condor_annex= again.
 1: Hit the "Close" button.
-The 'annex-user' now has full privileges to your account.  We're working on creating a CloudFormation template that will create a user with only the privileges =condor_annex= actually needs.  Skip to section 2.2.3.
+The 'annex-user' now has full privileges to your account.  We're working on creating a CloudFormation template that will create a user with only the privileges =condor_annex= actually needs.  Skip to section 2.3.
 {subsubsection: 2.2.2 Non-Privileged (Non-Administrator) Accounts}
@@ -81,10 +81,6 @@
 1: Click the "Show" link in the column labelled "Secret access key"; copy the revealed value to =privateKeyFile=.  Also copy this value to your laptop or desktop computer; you'll want to have it if you use =condor_annex= again.
 1: Hit the "Close" button.
-{subsubsection: 2.2.3 Save the Access Key}
-You should keep a copy both files somewhere safe, so you don't have to recreate them every time you start a new pool in the cloud.
 {subsection: 2.3 Prepare your Account}
 The following command will prepare your AWS account for =condor_annex=.  It will create a number of persistent components, none of which will cost you anything to keep around.  These components can take quite some time to create; =condor_annex= checks each for completion every ten seconds and prints an additional dot (past the first three) when it does so, to let you know that everything's still working.