-One approach to using cloud resources to run HTCondor jobs is to use the =condor_annex= tool to expand an existing pool onto the cloud (see HowToUseCondorAnnexWithOnDemandInstances).  Another approach, documented here, is to create a new HTCondor pool entirely in the cloud.  The HTCondor team maintains an AWS Marketplace entry to help simplify the process[, but FIXME target-audience disclaimer].  These instructions assume you already have an AWS account and a key pair.
+One approach to using cloud resources to run HTCondor jobs is to use the =condor_annex= tool to expand an existing pool onto the cloud (see HowToUseCondorAnnexWithOnDemandInstances).  Another approach, documented here, is to create a new HTCondor pool entirely in the cloud.  The HTCondor team maintains an AWS Marketplace entry to help simplify the process.  These instructions assume you already have an AWS account and a key pair, as well as experience using AWS and HTCondor.
 {section: Overview}
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@
 1: Find the HTCondor entry and click the 'View Instances' button.
 1: There should only be one instance; click on the "Manage in AWS Console" link.  This will bring up the EC2 console with your head node selected.
-1: Right-click on the selected instance and select 'Connect'.  Follow the instructions, except replace =root@= with =ec2-user@=.  [FIXME]
+1: Right-click on the selected instance and select 'Connect'.  Follow the instructions, except replace =root@= with =ec2-user@=.
 {subsection: 2.2 Obtain an Access Key}
 Just being able to log into an EC2 instance doesn't give you the privilege to start additional EC2 instances.  In order to use add cloud resources to your new pool, HTCondor needs a pair of security tokens (like a user name and password). Like a user name, the "access key" is (more or less) public information; the corresponding "secret key" is like a password and must be kept a secret. To help keep both halves secret, you never tell HTCondor these keys directly; instead, you tell HTCondor which file to look in to find each one.
-Create those two files now; we'll tell you how to fill them in shortly.  By convention, these files exist in your =~/.condor= directory.
+Create those two files now; we'll tell you how to fill them in shortly.  By convention, these files exist in your =~/.condor= directory.  In this document, shaded boxes indicate typing in a terminal; you should copy the lines beginning with $, but don't include the $.  The other lines shown in the boxes are the responses you should expect to see.
 $ cd ~/.condor