-One approach to using cloud resources to run HTCondor jobs is to use the =condor_annex= tool to expand an existing pool onto the cloud (see HowToUseCondorAnnexWithOnDemandInstances).  Another approach, documented here, is to create a new HTCondor pool entirely in the cloud.  The HTCondor team maintains an AWS Marketplace entry to help simplify the process.  These instructions assume you already have an AWS account and a key pair, as well as experience using AWS and HTCondor.
+One approach to using cloud resources to run HTCondor jobs is to use the =condor_annex= tool to expand an existing pool onto the cloud (see HowToUseCondorAnnexWithOnDemandInstances).  Another approach, documented here, is to create a new HTCondor pool entirely in the cloud.  The HTCondor team maintains an AWS Marketplace entry to help simplify the process.  These instructions assume you already have an AWS account and some experience using HTCondor; it will also help to have some experience using AWS and SSH.  You will also need an EC2 key pair; if you don't already have one, see section 5.
 Although this approach doesn't allow jobs already in a queue to run on cloud resources, it has the advantage that all file-transfer between the queue and the execute nodes occurs within the cloud, which could lead to substantial performance improvements and cost reductions.
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 4: Clean Up
 4:: The Cloud Resources
 4:: The Head Node
+5: Appendix: Obtain an EC2 Key Pair
 {section: 1 Start a Head Node}
@@ -153,3 +154,16 @@
 {subsection: 4.2 The Head Node}
 As noted above, you'll need to clean the head node up yourself.  If you don't want to keep any of your changes, then you should "terminate" the head node to avoid paying for storage.  If you just want to save money and pick up where you left off a bit later, you should instead "stop" the head node; you'll pay to keep its disk around until you start the head node again later.  Both options are under "Instance State" if you right-click on the instance in the EC2 console.
+{section: 5 Obtain an EC2 Key Pair}
+You need an EC2 key pair in order to connect (SSH) to your head node.
+1: Go to the {link: https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home?region=us-east-1#KeyPairs:sort=keyName EC2 key pair console}.
+1: Click the blue "Create Key Pair" button in the upper left.
+1: Enter a name; "HTCondorKeyPair" would be fine.  Click the blue "Create" button.
+1: Your browser will probably bring up a dialog box asking you what to do with "HTCondorKeyPair.pem".  (It may just start saving it for you.)  Save it some place you won't accidentally delete it and make a note of the location.
+When you later use SSH to connect to your head node, you'll need to know the location so you can specify the file.