1: Scroll down to 'Security Group Settings' and click on the 'Create New Based On Seller Settings' button.  You'll have to name and escribe the security group; "HTCondor Security Group" would be a fine name.  "Allows SSH and HTCondor from anywhere" is a true description.  To be more secure, click on the two drop-down boxes set to 'Anywhere' and change them to 'My Ip'.  (This will prevent you, and anyone else, from logging into the head node from any other (IP) address.  If you're on a laptop, your (IP) address may change as you move around.)  Finally, click 'Save'.
 1: Scroll down to 'Key Pair Settings' and make sure the key pair you created in section 1.1 is selected.
 1: You will start spending money when you click on the orange 'Launch' button.
-1: Click on the 'EC2 Console' link in the green box.
+1: Click on the 'Your Software' link in the green box.  Leave that tab open; you'll need it later.
 {section: 2 Add Cloud Resources to Your New Pool}
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 {subsection: 2.1 Log into your Head Node}
-1: Find the HTCondor entry and click the 'View Instances' button.
+1: Find the HTCondor entry (in the tab from section 1.2) and click the 'View Instances' button.
 1: There should only be one instance; click on the "Manage in AWS Console" link.  This will bring up the EC2 console with your head node selected.
 1: Right-click on the selected instance and select 'Connect'.  Follow the instructions.