-{section: Creating a personal HTCondor from your own build of HTCondor or from prebuilt binaries}
-{subsection: Building HTCondor}
-Note this section is optional -- if you are on a CSL machine, you can skip to the "Settting up your Personal HTCondor" section
-Pretend you have your build in =/scratch/roy/v66=.
-Pretend you have you want to set up a personal HTCondor in =/scratch/roy/personal-condor=.
-Substitute pathnames appropriately.
-First, build HTCondor as described in {wiki: BuildingHtcondorOnUnix here}. After you run make, do "make install" (note: in older versions of the code, this used to be "make release"). You'll find that you have a new directory =/scratch/roy/v66/release_dir=, and if you look inside it, you will see something like:
-> ls /scratch/roy/v66/release_dir/
-bin/  include/  lib/  man/  sbin/  src/
-This is very similar to what a HTCondor installation has in it.  Note that if you have a version of HTCondor 7.5.5 or later, do not do the "make release" command.
-{subsection: Setting up your Personal HTCondor}
-There are lots of ways to set up a personal HTCondor: I'll show you one way. You want to set up your =PATH= to point at the =bin= and =sbin= directories in your release directory. You want to set =CONDOR_CONFIG= to point at a =condor_config= file. You want to edit your =condor_config= file appropriately. Here is what I do:
-{subsubsection: Make a link to your release directory}
-cd /scratch/roy/personal-condor
-ln -s /scratch/roy/v66/src/release_dir .
-With the new {link: https://condor-wiki.cs.wisc.edu/index.cgi/wiki?p=BuildModernization build} system using cmake, you will want to remove the =src/= part of the path in the above =ln= command, (for versions of HTCondor later than 7.5.5.)
-Or, if you want to use the pre-built binaries in the CS pool, the release directory is in "/unsup/condor", and you don't need to make the subdirectories below.
-Make some directories for HTCondor
-mkdir execute
-mkdir log
-mkdir spool
-{subsubsection: Set up your environment}
-This commands are for tcsh: you'll need to edit them for bash.
-cat > setup
-setenv PATH /scratch/roy/personal-condor/release_dir/bin:${PATH}
-setenv PATH /scratch/roy/personal-condor/release_dir/sbin:${PATH}
-setenv CONDOR_CONFIG /scratch/roy/personal-condor/condor_config
-When you do source setup your environment will be set up for your personal HTCondor.
-{subsubsection: Create your HTCondor configuration file}
-cp /scratch/roy/v66/src/condor_examples/condor_config.generic condor_config
-touch condor_config.local
-Now you need to edit your =condor_config= file. Search for the following configuration variables, and set them as follows (using the correct pathnames and email address for you):
-RELEASE_DIR             = /scratch/roy/personal-condor/release_dir
-LOCAL_DIR               = /scratch/roy/personal-condor
-LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE       = $(LOCAL_DIR)/condor_config.local
-CONDOR_ADMIN            = your-email@cs.wisc.edu
-UID_DOMAIN              = $(FULL_HOSTNAME)
-# Not necessary for late versions of HTCondor
-START                   = $(TESTINGMODE_START)
-KILL                    = $(TESTINGMODE_KILL)
-_Note:_ Pick different numbers for the COLLECTOR_HOST and the NEGOTIATOR_HOST. These are port numbers, and each personal HTCondor running on a machine needs to have different ports. Probably randomly picking numbers that are greater than 1024 will be sufficient.
-This looks like a lot of things to edit. Why is it so hard? Well, our installation script normally sets things up for you, but because you are using a build environment, it is harder to use the installation script. Also, it is useful for you to be familiar with these settings, so you understand better how HTCondor works.
-{subsubsection: Run HTCondor}
-First, make sure that you will run the correct HTCondor. Which should tell you the one you expect to see:
-> source setup
-> which condor_master
-Then run condor_master:
-Wait a second, and make sure that everything is running:
-ps -x | grep condor
-When you are done with your personal HTCondor, you can kill it with:
-condor_off -master
-{subsubsection: Advanced configuration and problem solving}
-If you are debugging a daemon, you may want to have additional debugging information. For instance, if you are debugging the collector, you can edit COLLECTOR_DEBUG. For instance, you might do:
-Note that this set up described above is rather nice for working with different versions of HTCondor. Just change the link to the release directory, and you can test a different version of HTCondor.
+See CreatingPersonalHtcondor