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Creating a personal HTCondor from your own build of HTCondor or from prebuilt binaries

Building HTCondor

Note this section is optional -- if you are on a CSL machine, you can skip to the "Settting up your Personal HTCondor" section

Pretend you have your build in /scratch/roy/v66. Pretend you have you want to set up a personal HTCondor in /scratch/roy/personal-condor. Substitute pathnames appropriately.

First, build HTCondor as described in here. After you run make, do "make install" (note: in older versions of the code, this used to be "make release"). You'll find that you have a new directory /scratch/roy/v66/release_dir, and if you look inside it, you will see something like:

> ls /scratch/roy/v66/release_dir/
bin/  include/  lib/  man/  sbin/  src/
This is very similar to what a HTCondor installation has in it. Note that if you have a version of HTCondor 7.5.5 or later, do not do the "make release" command.

Setting up your Personal HTCondor

There are lots of ways to set up a personal HTCondor: I'll show you one way. You want to set up your PATH to point at the bin and sbin directories in your release directory. You want to set CONDOR_CONFIG to point at a condor_config file. You want to edit your condor_config file appropriately. Here is what I do:

Make a link to your release directory

cd /scratch/roy/personal-condor
ln -s /scratch/roy/v66/src/release_dir .
With the new build system using cmake, you will want to remove the src/ part of the path in the above ln command, (for versions of HTCondor later than 7.5.5.)

Or, if you want to use the pre-built binaries in the CS pool, the release directory is in "/unsup/condor", and you don't need to make the subdirectories below.

Make some directories for HTCondor

mkdir execute
mkdir log
mkdir spool

Set up your environment

This commands are for tcsh: you'll need to edit them for bash.
cat > setup
setenv PATH /scratch/roy/personal-condor/release_dir/bin:${PATH}
setenv PATH /scratch/roy/personal-condor/release_dir/sbin:${PATH}
setenv CONDOR_CONFIG /scratch/roy/personal-condor/condor_config
When you do source setup your environment will be set up for your personal HTCondor.

Create your HTCondor configuration file

cp /scratch/roy/v66/src/condor_examples/condor_config.generic condor_config
touch condor_config.local
Now you need to edit your condor_config file. Search for the following configuration variables, and set them as follows (using the correct pathnames and email address for you):
RELEASE_DIR             = /scratch/roy/personal-condor/release_dir
LOCAL_DIR               = /scratch/roy/personal-condor
LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE       = $(LOCAL_DIR)/condor_config.local
CONDOR_ADMIN            =
UID_DOMAIN              = $(FULL_HOSTNAME)

# Not necessary for late versions of HTCondor

# choose a policy for running jobs.
# as of 8.2 the default policy is always_run_jobs

Note: Pick different numbers for the COLLECTOR_HOST and the NEGOTIATOR_HOST. These are port numbers, and each personal HTCondor running on a machine needs to have different ports. Probably randomly picking numbers that are greater than 1024 will be sufficient.

Note: It may be useful to set CONDOR_HOST = localhost or CONDOR_HOST = localhost.localdomain if the machine running this does not have a valid IP address, is a virtual machine, or the administrator wants HTCondor to look only at that machine.

This looks like a lot of things to edit. Why is it so hard? Well, our installation script normally sets things up for you, but because you are using a build environment, it is harder to use the installation script. Also, it is useful for you to be familiar with these settings, so you understand better how HTCondor works.

Run HTCondor

First, make sure that you will run the correct HTCondor. Which should tell you the one you expect to see:

> source setup
> which condor_master
Then run condor_master:
Wait a second, and make sure that everything is running:
ps -x | grep condor
When you are done with your personal HTCondor, you can kill it with:
condor_off -master

Advanced configuration and problem solving

If you are debugging a daemon, you may want to have additional debugging information. For instance, if you are debugging the collector, you can edit COLLECTOR_DEBUG. For instance, you might do:

Note that this set up described above is rather nice for working with different versions of HTCondor. Just change the link to the release directory, and you can test a different version of HTCondor.