{subsection: Creating a new ticket}
-It is very important the the fields of the ticket are assigned proper values, and that the formatting for the fields is strictly followed. When creating a new ticket, most of the fields should be obvious from the desciptions, just be careful about following the formatting conventions as described.  A couple comments on a few fields:
+Click on the {link: tktnew [Ticket]} link at the top of the page. It is very important the the fields of the ticket are assigned proper values, and that the formatting for the fields is strictly followed. When creating a new ticket, most of the fields should be obvious from the desciptions, just be careful about following the formatting conventions as described.  A couple comments on a few fields:
 *: *Title / One-line summary* should be as descriptive as possible since it appears in
 various cross-references, reports, ticket link titles, etc.