- Overview of DAGMan
- Condor_submit_dag/scheduler universe startup
- DAG file parsing
- Rescue DAG/condor_rm of DAGMan
- Recovery mode/condor_hold/condor_release
- Internal data structures
- Proper ordering of jobs/scripts (ready queue, etc.)
- Implementation of PRE/POST script semantics
- Monitoring node jobs/reading the user logs
- Deciding when the DAG is finished
- DAG final node
- Node variables
- Nested DAGs
- Multiple disjoint DAGs
- Splices
- Node retries
- DAG submit retries
- DAG-wide throttles (maxjobs, maxidle, maxpre, maxpost)
- category throttles
- depth-first DAG traversal
- Node priorities
- Halt file
- NOOP nodes (at the DAG level)
- Multi-job clusters
- strict warnings
- DIR on nodes
- node status file
- jobstate.log file
- dot file
- Stork support
- Miscellaneous notes
- External sub DAGs vs. splices