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HTCondor In Debian - Meeting Notes

2012 January 17 (Tuesday), 1:15 p.m.

Attending: Tim Cartwright, Ian Alderman, Jaime Frey, Michael Hanke (+49 345 685 6254)

Meeting Plan

Next Actions

Jaime Frey

Michael Hanke

Existing CHTC gittrac Tickets

Parent ticket is #2058.

Ticket #2132: Using shared libraries

Ticket #2133: Modify init script to handle paths

Interlude - Brief Overview of Michael's Status

Back to Tickets

Ticket #2134: Disable GT4 GAHP for Debian

Ticket #2135: Use sysapi symbols as plain C

Ticket #2136: gcc 4.5, SOAP, const type mismatch

Ticket #2137: Add dependency on remotefs to init script

Ticket #2138: Disable scimark benchmark tool (JAR file)

Ticket #2139: Duplicate symbol names

Ticket #2140: Make symlinks to binaries instead of hardlinks

Ticket #2141: Various includes need to change if PostgreSQL is used

Outstanding Items From Michael

Patch against condor-run, may be in source code already

Link all libraries with rpath pointing to HTCondor lib location /usr/lib/condor

sshtojob template: change path to a libexec file

Init script patch 1: /var/run on tempfs

Init script patch 2: lsb header, lacking dependency on remotefs

Other JAR files


Michael’s List of Pending Things from 4 January

debconf interface: ready for contribution

Package no longer builds on latest Ubuntu releases

man Pages

Minor thing 1: DMTCP script from Pete, installed in right places

Minor thing 2: SGE replacement; MIH wrote condor_qsub; has ticket

Longer Term

How to move away from cpack to real, unified Debian source package?