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condor_stats, KEEP_POOL_HISTORY, =CondorView=

Wisdom on the use and operation of condor_stats, based on e-mail by Alan De Smet during December 2003 and January 2004.

  1. unclaimed
  2. matched
  3. claimed
  4. pre-empting
  5. owner
  6. shutdown
  7. delete
  8. backfill

Note that the machine state coding is replicated in several locations. In addition to adding a new machine state in src/ condor_includes/ condor_state.h, the new machine state must also be added to the Collector View server in src/condor_collector.V6/view_server.h, src/condor_collector.V6/view_server.C; and to condor_stats in src/condor_tools/stats.C.

      (see the original email from Todd about it in /p/condor/workspaces/jepsen/src_java/condor/condorview/todd.inst)


-orgformat only affects those query types which do not end with "list". The only difference between -orgformat and the default is the first column. To determine what is in the default, look at the orgformat, remove everything up to and including the first colon, and replace it with the percentage of time. So, for example, the -resourcequery -orgformat might include the line:
  1074095821      :       37590     1.000 3

That's time in seconds since the epoch, machine name, ":", idle time in seconds, load, and machine state as an integer. Going back to the default (removing the orgformat), we get:

  79.779999       37590   1.000000        CLAIMED

Everything in up and including the colon has been replaced with the percentage time. (You may also notice that the machine state has been converted from a number to a string. This is a special case in the condor_stats code and shouldn't happen for other queries.)

The -orgformat output to various query types directly correspond to log files in POOL_HISTORY_DIR on the view collector. You can effectively replicate the query by grepping through the appropriate file. The mappings are as such:

-userlist 	viewhist.0.*
-userquery 	viewhist.0.*
-resourcelist 	viewhist.1.*
-resourcequery 	viewhist.1.*
-resgrouplist 	viewhist.2.*
-resgroupquery 	viewhist.2.*
-usergrouplist 	viewhist.3.*
-usergroupquery 	viewhist.3.*
-ckptlist 	viewhist.4.*
-ckptquery 	viewhist.4.*

{subsection: File format}

This is the format of the various viewhist.*.* files. Because -orgformat returns the same information, this is also the format of -orgformat's output. In the actual output fields are seperated by spaces, records are seperated by newlines.
{subsubsection: viewhist.0.* / -userquery -orgformat}
1071109949      :       16      0

viewhist.2.* / -resgroupquery -orgformat

1055836559      Total   :       55.0    0.8     729.8   0.8     83.8
1055836559      INTEL/LINUX     :       43.8    0.8     578.8   0.8     20.0

viewhist.1.* / -resourcequery -orgformat

1074101829 :       30179368          0.130 3

viewhist.4.* / -ckptquery -orgformat

1057703428      :       45.379  136.138 1106.393        8196.154

viewhist.3.* / -usergroupquery -orgformat

1072743565     :       3       22

Query Types

Command Query name Data Name File
Line QUERY_HIST_* *Data viewhist.#
-userlist SUBMITTOR_LIST Submittor 0
-userquery SUBMITTOR Submittor 0
-resourcelist STARTD_LIST Startd 1
-resourcequery STARTD Startd 1
-resgrouplist GROUPS_LIST Groups 2
-resgroupquery GROUPS Groups 2
-usergrouplist SUBMITTORGROUPS_LIST SubmittorGroups 3
-usergroupquery SUBMITTORGROUPS SubmittorGroups 3
-ckptlist CKPTSRVR_LIST Ckpt 4
-ckptquery CKPTSRVR Ckpt 4

(The file viewhist entry is the first number in the file. The second number is the archive number used when the logs roll over.)