Everything in up and including the colon has been replaced with the percentage time. (You may also notice that the machine state has been converted from a number to a string. This is a special case in the condor_stats code and shouldn't happen for other queries.)
 The -orgformat output to various query types _directly_ correspond to log files in POOL_HISTORY_DIR on the view collector. You can effectively replicate the query by grepping through the appropriate file. The mappings are as such:
--userlist 	viewhist.0.*
--userquery 	viewhist.0.*
--resourcelist 	viewhist.1.*
--resourcequery 	viewhist.1.*
--resgrouplist 	viewhist.2.*
--resgroupquery 	viewhist.2.*
--usergrouplist 	viewhist.3.*
--usergroupquery 	viewhist.3.*
--ckptlist 	viewhist.4.*
--ckptquery 	viewhist.4.*
+| Command        | Data file    |
+|-userlist       | viewhist.0.* |
+|-userquery      | viewhist.0.* |
+|-resourcelist   | viewhist.1.* |
+|-resourcequery  | viewhist.1.* |
+|-resgrouplist   | viewhist.2.* |
+|-resgroupquery  | viewhist.2.* |
+|-usergrouplist  | viewhist.3.* |
+|-usergroupquery | viewhist.3.* |
+|-ckptlist       | viewhist.4.* |
+|-ckptquery      | viewhist.4.* |
 {subsection: File format}
 This is the format of the various viewhist.*.* files. Because -orgformat returns the same information, this is also the format of -orgformat's output. In the actual output fields are seperated by spaces, records are seperated by newlines.