-This page details targets for upcoming point releases, and also links to the roadmap for the current development series.
-{section: Forthcoming Release Plans}
-{subsection: Goals for the upcoming LTS Releases}
-*Version*: 9.0.9
-Code freeze on 2021-12-10, update CS Pool on 2021-12-13, documentation freeze on 2021-12-30, release on 2022-01-13.
-{link: https://opensciencegrid.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=11611 Jira tickets targeted for this release}
-{subsection: Goals for the upcoming Feature Releases}
-*Version*: 9.5.0
-Code freeze on 2021-12-10, upgrade CHTC starting 2021-12-13, documentation freeze on 2021-12-30, release 2022-01-13.
-{link: https://opensciencegrid.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=11610 Jira tickets targeted for this release}
+This page has moved to {link: https://htcondor.org/htcondor/release-plan/ HTCondor Release Plans}