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Customized Type Display

You can customize how Visual C++ displays classes in the variable view. By default VC++ displays "{...}" and you need to click the small '+' icon to expand the members. You can change this behaviour, and make Visual C++ display whatever data member you want, in whatever order and in whatever format you like.

You need to locate a file called AUTOEXP.DAT in your Visual C++ installation. By default it will be:

After you have made the changes and saved the file, you will need to restart Visual C++ for the changes to take effect.

For a more in depth look at this option, and it's extensive range of uses, please refere to the folowing document: Customize autoexp.dat for own types in VS2005. The page mentions the contents is aimed at Visual Studio 2005, but, having tested it, I've found that it works in both Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 Beta.