-{section: Warning}
+{section: Warning: DMTCP 1.2.8 required}
 Versions of DMTCP earlier than 1.2.8 do not work with our shim script.  Earlier versions of our shim script (0.5 and earlier) do not reliably work under HTCondor.   At the moment 1.2.8 is not yet available.  You'll need to acquire a copy directly from DMTCP's Subversion revision control.  On many Linux systems you can get the lated 1.2 version with:
 {code}svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/dmtcp/code/branches/1.2 dmtcp-1.2{endcode}
+{section: Warning: Pools with different CPUs}
+Moving jobs between different processors can cause the jobs to crash because of incompatibilities.  For example, if your job checkpoints on a system that uses SSE4, glibc will cache that information and use SSE4 optimized code paths. If you then move to a machine lacking that support, the next time you call into such a function (including many common string routines) the job will crash.  We're working on an easier solution but for now you if you have a CPU-heterogenous pool, you'll need to use your job's Requirements to check the CheckpointPlatform.
+You can use
+{code}condor_status -af CheckpointPlatform | sort |uniq -c{endcode}
+to identify which machines you want to use.   For example, you might decide that machines identified as "LINUX X86_64 2.6.x normal N/A ssse3 sse4_1 sse4_2" are the ones you want to target, in which case you would use something like this in your submit file:
+requirements = CheckpointPlatform == "LINUX X86_64 2.6.x normal N/A ssse3 sse4_1 sse4_2"
 {section: Module Description}
 DMTCP is a third party user space checkpoint package available from here: http://dmtcp.sourceforge.net/