{code}svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/dmtcp/code/branches/1.2 dmtcp-1.2{endcode}
+(Information on why this was necessary is at #3747)
 {section: Warning: Pools with different CPUs}
 Moving jobs between different processors can cause the jobs to crash because of incompatibilities.  For example, if your job checkpoints on a system that uses SSE4, glibc will cache that information and use SSE4 optimized code paths. If you then move to a machine lacking that support, the next time you call into such a function (including many common string routines) the job will crash.  We're working on an easier solution but for now you if you have a CPU-heterogenous pool, you'll need to use your job's Requirements to check the CheckpointPlatform.