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If Docker is installed on your system, you can use it to easily checkout and build HTCondor from source. Assuming you have sudo access to docker, simply

  1. mkdir some_directory
  2. cd some_directory
  3. Copy the attached text into a file named "Dockerfile" in this directory.
  4. sudo docker build .

This may take some time, but will create a docker container with checkout-out and built sources. You can use the docker commit command to turn the container back into an image.

############### Dockerfile ############################ # Dockerfile to checkout and build HTCondor source code

# Start from Centos7 FROM centos

# Create a unix user to run build as RUN adduser build

# Install prereqs RUN yum -y install autotools git cmake make gcc gcc-c++ gcc-fortran pam-devel libcurl libcurl-devel boost-devel pcre-devel libxml2-devel libuuid-devel glibc-static sqlite-devel patch python-devel bison flex openssl-devel nss-devel perl-Data-Dumper

# Checkout and build condor as unix user "build" RUN su - build /bin/bash -c 'git clone && cd htcondor && ./configure_uw -DWITH_CREAM:BOOL=false -DWITH_GLOBUS:BOOL=false -DWITH_BLAHP:BOOL=false -DCLIPPED:BOOL=true -DWITH_BOINC:BOOL=false && make' #########################################################
