To configure the Excel DCOM object, do the following:
-1: Login to the server as a *Administrator*.
+1: Login to the execute machine as an *Administrator*.
 1: Click, *Start*, click *Run* and enter *dcomcnfg*.
 1: This will bring up the *Component Services* window.
 1: Click *Console Root*, click *Component Services*, click *Computers*, finally, click *DCOM Config*.
 1: Right click on the *Microsoft Excel Application* component and select *Properties*.
-1: In the *General* tab, select *None* in the *Authentication Level* drop-down.
-1: In the *Identity* tab, select *This user*, and type the name of the administrative account, *excel*, and its password.
+1: In the *General* tab, select *None* in the *Authentication Level* drop-down list.
+1: In the *Identity* tab, click *This user*, and enter the name of the administrative account, *excel*, and its password.
 1: Click the *OK* button.
 *NOTE:* This will render Excel almost inoperable on this machine for any interactive users.  Also, this was only tested on Vista, requirements of any future or past versions of Windows may differ slightly.