You may have noticed a lot of information missing from the command-line above.  _condor_annex_ does all of its AWS work through the 'aws' command-line tool, which has a configuration file containing the access key and secret key for a given AWS account (or user or role).  If, like above, the command-line is incomplete, _condor_annex_ will look up the missing information in the 'aws' tool's account.  This allows you (the annex administrator) to update and maintain the defaults without having to distribute files to your end users.
-The four default things you can set in the account are:
+The four default things you can set in the account are listed below.  All are region-specific.  Right now, _condor_annex_ works best with the 'us-east-1' region, although the 'us-west-2' region is also supported.  (Right now, you must manually adjust the 'project ID' command line argument conform to the S3 bucket name restrictions, which are much tighter in us-west-2 for some reason.  You should also change the hard-coded default region in the _condor_annex_ script.)
 1: An SSH keypair.  _condor_annex_ will use the one named "HTCondorAnnex".
 2: A VPC.  _condor_annex_ will use the one whose "name" tag is "HTCondorAnnex".