The four default things you can set in the account are listed below.  All are region-specific.  Right now, _condor_annex_ works best with the 'us-east-1' region, although the 'us-west-2' region is also supported.  (Right now, you must manually adjust the 'project ID' command line argument conform to the S3 bucket name restrictions, which are much tighter in us-west-2 for some reason.  You should also change the hard-coded default region in the _condor_annex_ script.)
-1: An SSH keypair.  _condor_annex_ will use the one named "HTCondorAnnex".
-2: A VPC.  _condor_annex_ will use the one whose "name" tag is "HTCondorAnnex".
-3: VPC subnets.  _condor_annex_ will use the ones whose "name" tag is "HTCondorAnnex".
-4: Launch configurations.  _condor_annex_ will use the ones named "HTCondorAnnex-1" through "HTCondorAnnex-8".
+1: An SSH keypair.  _condor_annex_ will use the one named "HTCondorAnnex".  (Found on the "EC2" page.)
+2: A VPC.  _condor_annex_ will use the one whose "name" tag is "HTCondorAnnex".  (Found on the "Networking" page.)  Turn on support in the VPC for DNS hostnames.
+3: VPC subnets.  _condor_annex_ will use the ones whose "name" tag is "HTCondorAnnex".  (Also found on the "Networking" page.")
+4: Launch configurations.  _condor_annex_ will use the ones named "HTCondorAnnex-1" through "HTCondorAnnex-8".  (Found on the "EC2" page.  You may need to create an AutoScaling Group in order to create a Launch Configuration; after doing so, you can cancel out of creating the AutoScaling Group.)
 To speed your quick start, we provide the following Amazon Linux AMIs with HTCondor 8.4.2 pre-installed: