Presently, "success" is defined to be "exit with code 0"; this will change in a future revision.
-In 8.5.3, "success" will be defined by three job ad attributes: CheckpointExitBySignal, CheckpointExitSignal, and CheckpointExitCode.  If the first is true, then "success" occurs when the process exits on signal CheckpointExitSignal.  Otherwise, "success" occurs when the process exits with code CheckpointExitCode.  (As this is an experimental feature, you'll need to prepend a '+' to each of the preceeding attributes when you use it in a submit file.)
+In 8.5.3 (and until 8.7.3), "success" will be defined by three job ad attributes: CheckpointExitBySignal, CheckpointExitSignal, and CheckpointExitCode.  If the first is true, then "success" occurs when the process exits on signal CheckpointExitSignal.  Otherwise, "success" occurs when the process exits with code CheckpointExitCode.  (As this is an experimental feature, you'll need to prepend a '+' to each of the preceeding attributes when you use it in a submit file.)
-In 8.8.2 (and 8.9.1), "success" will be defined in the same way, but the name of the attributes change to SuccessCheckpointExitBySignal, SuccessCheckpointExitSignal, and SuccessCheckpointExitCode, respectively.  You will still need to prepend a '+'.
+In 8.7.3 (and later), "success" will be defined in the same way, but the name of the attributes change to SuccessCheckpointExitBySignal, SuccessCheckpointExitSignal, and SuccessCheckpointExitCode, respectively.  You will still need to prepend a '+'.
 In 8.5.3, you may also set '+WantFTOnCheckpoint = TRUE'.  If during the course of normal execution the job exits with "success", as defined above, file transfer will occur as if the job is being evicted.