{wiki:  HowToConfigureFoldingAtHome here}
 {subsubsection: Strategy}
-We will set up a set of backfill static slots that share the resources of the primary partitionable slot, but use those resources only then primary slot is idle or partially idle.
+We will set up a set of backfill static slots that share the resources of the primary partitionable slot, but use those resources only when then primary slot is idle or partially idle.  The backfill slots are *not* configured to have GPUs, since there is currently no way in HTCondor to reliably share a GPU between slots.
 We then will use HTCondor's "fetch work" configuration to run a script for each backfill slot that periodically generates a job classad for Folding@Home work.  Those jobs will have a retirement time of 0 so that they can be pre-empted when the primary slot wants to use the resources.  These jobs will all be run by a dedicated local user named *backfill* and will run at a fixed directory for each slot.  This allows the Folding@home software to save progress periodically and then resume that work later if it is preempted.